The Mayoress and I were honoured to be invited to the British Limbless Ex Servicemen’s Association annual dinner and awards ceremony on Sunday June 14, held at the Hilton.

BLESMA is a charity which helps ex-servicemen who have lost limbs in the service of their country, giving support and advice.

We were asked by the BLESMA members attending if we could pass on their heartfelt thanks to the people of Wootton Bassett, and those who regularly attend the repatriations, for the way in which the town comes together to honour our fallen service personnel.

Many of the BLESMA members made a point of thanking us personally, and told us how much it meant to them, to serving members of the armed forces, and to the families.

We, in turn, thanked them for the sacrifice they had made in serving us and our country.

May I take this opportunity to also say that I have never met such a positive “glass half full” group of people, who really do seem to live life to the full."

Thanks again for all you do.

Coun Steve Bucknell, Mayor, Wootton Basset,