I would like to be able to name and shame the person who damaged my car in Sainsbury’s car park Friday 12 June between approximately noon and 12.30, but I can’t.

The damage to my car was sufficient that the other person must have known they had done it and also had damage to their own car. It wouldn’t have been so bad if there had even been an anonymous note saying “I’m sorry”.

Why are people so discourteous? I suspect because I drive what is termed a ‘high end’ car – which, by the way, I worked and saved hard to purchase.

The cost of repairs to these cars is always deemed to be expensive.

I can understand the driver not wishing to claim on their insurance and to some extent being very concerned about the cost of dealing with repairs privately.

What I can’t understand is not acknowledging the event.

I hope the person who did this reads this letter and feel some regret.

Anne Smith, Chippenham.