With reference to your article of June 4 issue regarding the funding of West Lavington youth club and that the club may have to close for two nights a week.

If this is to happen these poor youngsters will have nothing to do and nowhere to go.

When I was a teenager living in West Lavington, we had a youth club with a very large attendance. It was held in the sports club where Homefield is built. That youth club funded itself until the organiser moved away, taking the club’s funds as well.

Therefore that ended our youth club. In those days, there were no council grants or funding, so what is so different now?

I must praise Mr George Baker and his team for all they have done to have the youth club built and furnished, but at the end of the day, do the youngsters appreciate or respect what has been done for them at the club?

In my view the youth club should fund itself.

Since the club has been running, there has been unlimited amount of damage around the village.

Car mirrors ripped off, windows smashed, fireworks through a letter box and my own garden, solar lights taken and smashed in the bus shelter up the street, glass in the parish notice board smashed. Who are these people?

Do they attend the youth club and wreck everything inside as well as outside, or do they just hang around outside because they are barred entry. If they are members, then they don’t deserve the funding. If they are the hangers-on then they most certainly give the youth club a bad reputation.

Victor Gilbert, Eastfield, West Lavington.