Devizes is beautiful on a summer day with its wonderful architecture, flower displays and canalside walks.

However, as soon as the supermarkets open, any bench is occupied by drunks and addicts. Last Thursday was a case in point.

At 9.30am a small group staggered past my house, already high and aggressive. At 3.30pm I walked the tow path from London Road towards The Wharf, and there they were, six hours into their binge, one very loud and another lying on the bank looking dead. Luckily I was on my own - no children or visitors. I called the police who were sympathetic and told me the same people had been moved on from Morrisons earlier. What is the point of that?

Why should we be regularly confronted in this way, and possibly modify our behaviour as to where we go? It is not an isolated incident unfortunately, and moving the problem around the town cannot be a sensible solution.

Comments from the powers-that-be would be interesting.

Name and address supplied.