Chippenham Civic Society is concerned about the visual appearance of the historic town centre of Chippenham.

Despite the sterling work of the majority, a minority of businesses and retailers have shown a distinct lack of urgency in replacing boarded up windows, removing graffiti and maintaining the frontages of their premises to a good standard of repair.

As this is a conservation area, we are aware this could create a totally unjustified negative image of the town.

We are anxious to improve matters and have taken these issues up with some of the worst offenders.

They are well aware of it so we will not name and shame them at this stage. We are pleased to report that the One Stop Shop in Market Place has repaired its window - what a difference this makes!

If any members of the public would like to help by identifying eyesores that the Civic Society can seek to improve please email us at Better still please give your support by joining us.

Details are at

Roger Backway, Secretary, Chippenham Civic Society.