Actress Gabriella Bjork-Gabbitas has launched an outdoor theatre company in memory of her two year old daughter Greta.

The Solstice Theatre Company came about following the death in November 2007 of Greta, who had cerebral palsy.

A friend urged Mrs Bjork-Gabbitas, a Bristol Old Vic trained actress, of Cross Hayes, Malmesbury, to put on a performance of a play she had written to help her deal with her grief.

This was meant to be a one off performance for friends and family in the garden of Sheldon Manor, near Chippenham. However, in the audience was the owner of the Abbey House Gardens, Barbara Pollard, who asked if Mrs Bjork-Gabbitas would put on a second performance in her gardens.

“Two hundred people came along and it proved to be really popular,” said Mrs Bjork-Gabbitas.

She had put her acting career on hold when Greta was born. She said: “Greta was deprived of oxygen at birth and was brain damaged.

“She had some major complications such as no swallow reflex, and needed 24 hour care. I thought she would live much longer but she died at the age of two.”

The Solstice Theatre Company cast is made up of friends and family, including Mrs Bjork-Gabbitas’ children Julius, 18, and Isabella, 16, a student at Malmesbury School.

They will present Cyrano de Bergerac in the herb garden at Abbey House Gardens on Sunday. Mrs Bjork-Gabbitas said: “This is the biggest play we’ve done. If the weather is good outdoor theatre can be magical.”

Tickets are £8 and include entry at 5.30pm for picnics before the performance at 7pm. To book call (01666) 827650.