Shoppers in Calne could soon be greeted with vibrant window displays and works of art as town councillors are determined to improve the look of the town.

With at least eight shops in the town centre boarded up and attracting vandalism and graffiti, members of the development and planning committee met to discuss a scheme to improve the appearance of the developing Phelps Parade and the surrounding streets.

The proposal is to brighten up empty shop fronts with photographs, poetry or details of upcoming events.

Coun Tony Trotman said: “With high streets being boarded up people will go elsewhere to shop.

“If people are driving through and see a town centre looking smart then they will be more likely to stay.”

It is not yet known whether the number of empty shops in Calne will increase when the Phelps Parade development is completed, and councillors agreed to consider this project for the unit previously intended to house a flagship Woolworth’s store.

Coun Roy Golding said: “My attitude is that anything which improves the look of the town has got to help.

“Vibrant colours and nice scenes make people feel happy and more relaxed.

“I think it is a win-win situation and it will show surrounding towns that we are not going to lie down and suffer in this recession – we are going to fight it.”

It is also hoped that covering the vacant stores would prevent graffiti and vandalism. Town clerk Linda Roberts has set aside £1,000 from the budget for the scheme. Although some residents are concerned that this money could be better spent, it is generally agreed that something needs to be done.

One resident said: “At least it would look like someone cares about the town. It just looks so bad and tatty at present.”