Firefighters were called to Aldbourne today when a car and a lorry became wedged together at the side of the village's picturesque green creating a rather unusual sort of traffic jam.

A plumbing merchant's box van and a Renault estate owned and driven by a local man became jammed together as they attempted to pass on the narrowest part of the road around The Green close to the Blue Boar pub.

The lorry mounted a steep grass bank on its nearside and slid down against the car trapping it against the bank on the other side of the road.

Wiltshire councillor Chris Humphries was passing and took the photographs and he said: "The fire brigade was called and they had to dig away some of the bank so that the car could be driven clear.

"It looked at one stage as if the lorry could topple over."

The two drivers were unhurt and their vehicles suffered only minimal damage.

Fire fighters from Ramsbury attended the incident.