Nursteed Community Primary School in Devizes has transformed a redundant stark white computer suite into a magical forest and inspiring learning centre called the library.

Last week town mayor Coun John Leighton snipped the ribbon to open the library as Friends of the School, class representatives, parents and staff celebrated.

He said: “The library is a vibrant and magical learning environment and encourages the enjoyment of reading within the school community.

“Well done to everyone who has made this possible.”

Headteacher Tim Heath welcomed everyone to look around and test the computer system and soft furnishings.

Fundraising by the Friends of the school bought colourful new cushions and rugs and plants.

The Friends also provided a fairytale chair for the chosen story-teller and the new computer software which enables the children to scan their books in and out electronically, just like a real public library. Fundraising events included the White Horse Window Wander – a family trail that took place over Easter and was supported by many local retailers.