Neighbours Terry Fearfield and Paul Eardley have been commended for risking their lives to save two people from a burning car.

The two men rescued the driver and passenger from the car, which had crashed into a wall in Old Alexander Road, Malmesbury, moments before it exploded.

The accident happened in May last year – the day after Mr Eardley and his wife Jane had brought their two-day-old daughter Olivia home from hospital.

Mr Eardley said he and his wife had just given Olivia a feed at 4am. “I had just dropped off to sleep when I heard a huge bang,” he said.

“We looked outside and saw the car had taken out my neighbour’s wall and was upside down and on fire.

“The passenger was out and shouting for help. I just thought to myself I had to get down there.”

Mr Eardley dashed out in his pyjamas and slippers and ran to the burning car while neighbour Mr Fearfield, a former retained firefighter, went to get a fire extinguisher.

Mr Eardley said: “The driver’s door was jammed so I got into the passenger side and pulled the guy out.

”I was aware he might have a neck injury but I saw the fire had doubled in size since I got there and thought that if I left him in there he’d fry.

“Once he was out I saw the passenger actually trying to get back in.

“I asked him what he was doing and he said he was getting his sunglasses.

“But we got them both to a safe distance and a few seconds later the car was completely engulfed with flames and the tyres started to explode.”

Wiltshire chief fire officer, Andy Goves gave the men a certificate of commendation at a ceremony at Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service in Potterne last week.