A new organiser is needed for a Marlborough group that provides a monthly get together, support and entertainment for Alzheimer’s sufferers and their carers.

The Alzheimer’s Support Group is currently run by Anne Tincknell whose husband John, who formerly ran a coach and taxi business in the town, has the illness and needs increasing care.

Mrs Tincknell is also kept increasingly busy with her role as the co-ordinator for the town’s Link scheme and said she is finding it more and more difficult to juggle the three roles.

“I need to step down from the Alzheimer’s group and we need somebody else to take over organising it,” she said.

The group meets on the first Wednesday afternoon of each month at the Lawrence Acre community room on the Portfields estate.

Mrs Tincknell, who took over running the group five years ago, said the accommodation was ideal although if a new organiser wanted to hold meetings at another venue of their choice that would be satisfactory.

“It would be a great help if whoever takes over from me has an interest in Alzheimer’s or is perhaps a carer themselves,” she said.

The role involves finding a speaker for the monthly meetings.

Anyone who can help should ring Mrs Tincknell on (01672) 514567 or 514155.