The RSPB is holding a moth counting evening at Cholderton near Salisbury on Saturday June 27 where you might be able to come face to face with beautiful elephant-hawk and tiger moths in their natural environment.

The event is organised in partnership with Butterfly Conservation and Cholderton Estate as part of the exciting Moths Count project ( ), supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund.

Moths Count aims to help people discover how beautiful our native moths are, and of course, how important they are. As well as pollinating flowers, they are also a crucial source of food for bats and birds – each brood of blue tits for example needs about 15,000 caterpillars. This event will show participants how easy it is to find moths, and the amazing variety that can be seen in just an hour or so. You will also learn how to identify moths and how to attract them to your own garden.

The event will start at the Source Farm Shop Cholderton SU232428 at 9pm, suggested donation of £2 per person for the event. Children to be accompanied by an adult, and please remember to bring a torch. To find out more about the event call (01980) 629835.