A warning has been given to solstice revellers heading for Avebury at the weekend that there will be only limited camping facilities available in the village.

Police have been holding regular meetings with Avebury village representatives, the National Trust and the Pagans to try to make the annual midsummer sunrise celebration run as smoothly and peaceably as possible, said Sgt Andy Peach Numbers attending this year are expected to be higher than in recent years because the celebration falls on a weekend. Hundreds are expected to gather in the stone circles on Saturday in preparation for Sunday’s solstice sunrise at about 5am.

Avebury’s Druid Keeper of the Stones Terry Dobney will lead the sunrise celebration in the south circle behind village chapel.

Mr Dobney said sunrise on solstice day, Sunday June 21, was due at about 4.42am but, because the circle is surrounded by a raised bank, the first glimpses of the sun – weather permitting – would be shortly after 5am.

Marlborough area police commander Insp Andy Noble will be heading up the police operation at Avebury together with Sgt Andy Peach who told the Gazette that officers would be there to see that people were able to enjoy the solstice celebrations without any anti social behaviour to spoil the event.

“If anybody comes along and their behaviour affects other people who are there for a good time then they will be hooked out and dealt with,” he said.

There will be very limited camping spaces in the National Trust’s main car park. Sgt Peach said: “Once it is filled that will be it and people will have to leave the village and go off and make other arrangements.”

The camp site will open from 9am on Saturday and will close at 4pm on Sunday by which time all tents will have to be removed.

There will be a no parking cordon for a considerable distance around Avebury, West Kennett and Beckhampton and police will have breakdown trucks standing by to remove any cars whose drivers have ignored the no waiting cones.

n Send us your solstice pictures to gazartist@newswilts.co.uk