The young sailors aboard the Dauntsey’s School yacht Jolie Brise are getting ready for the next challenging leg of the Tall Ships Race, hot favourites to win the overall title.

The 56ft gaff cutter was declared winner of the leg from Portsmouth to Tenerife, and went on to finish the voyage to Bermuda well ahead of its nearest rival.

Because of light winds, though, the leg was cut short by the organisers so that all crews could be in Bermuda for the island’s 400th anniversary celebrations.

The Jolie Brise’s crew had another reason to celebrate as the boat features on the 85c Bermudan commemorative stamp.

The young crew are now enjoying some shore leave before the next leg to Charleston, South Carolina and then back across the Atlantic to Belfast where the race is due to finish on August 13.

Toby Marris, Dauntsey’s head of sailing and skipper of the Jolie Brise, said the crew was exhausted from long weeks racing at sea but excited at finally arriving in Bermuda for a well-deserved celebration.