Police found Class A drugs when they raided a house in Calne town centre .

Officers from Calne and Chippenham raided a flat at the back of Harris Court in the High Street just after 12 noon last Wednesday and found a small amount of what is believed to be a Class A drug.

Officers arrested a 38-year-old man who was alone in the top floor flat on suspicion of possessing crack cocaine.

The man was already on bail following an armed raid in March when officers seized a large amount of crack cocaine, class B drugs and an imitation fire arm from the flat.

Around 15 officers smashed their way into the flat on March 13 and found the suspected drugs divided up into small bags.

The man is due to answer bail for the first arrest on June 30, and the second on July 6.

PC Hans Monahan of Calne police said: "This was a successful operation and as a result an arrest has been made.

“This is an example of police acting on good information and responding in an appropriate manner.

“We seek to disrupt the impact of drugs on the community and this raid proves our success.

”The man was interviewed and bailed and the seized items will be sent for forensic testing before he can be charged.”

Police are urging members of the public to come forward with any information which might help them to tackle drugs in the area.

Anyone with information can call Wiltshire Police on 0845 4087000 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.