Chippenham teenager Adam Button, who has spent more than six months in intensive care, was over the moon when he was presented with a signed cap from his hero Formula 1 Championship leader Jenson Button.

Adam, 18, suffers from a neuro muscular disorder and has followed Jenson Button’s progress every step of the way from Bath’s Royal United Hospital.

He tries not to miss a minute of the racing and drives the circuits on his computer, so he was delighted when Brawn GP made the donation.

One of the staff members who cares for Adam, Junior sister Hilary Wheeler, said: “Adam is such a delight and he absolutely loves Formula 1.

“I had the idea of contacting the Brawn GP Team to see if we could get Adam something signed by Jenson and they really came up trumps.

“Now he will probably be wearing his personally signed team cap to bed.”

Adam was referred to the intensive care unit in September with a chest infection, and has had to spend a long time on a respirator.

His mum Trish and dad Eddy have praised the staff who care for him. They said: “The ITU team have become like part of the family, we are all on first name terms and they can not do enough for us.

“They go above and beyond the call of duty and we think they are brilliant.

“Junior Sister Rose Corbett even travelled to London to visit Adam at Christmas when he was in St Thomas’.”

“Now they have arranged this special treat for Adam, and he is thrilled with his cap.

“We are very grateful to the staff for arranging it and to the Brawn Team GP for their generosity.”