Chippenham Lions Club president Byron Hughes is delighted £5,000 has been raised for his two chosen charities.

A total of £3,000 has gone to the Orchid Cancer Charity, which helps men with prostate cancer and £2,000 to the Wiltshire air Ambulance Appeal.

The money was partly raised through the Club’s Christmas carol float which travels around the town during December.

Mr Hughes was delighted that the club had raised so much money for such worthy causes.

He said: “We decided to support Orchid because we have supported breast cancer in the past but we felt that there is just not so much awareness of prostate cancer around and it is on the increase so it is a good charity to support.

“We do so many charity events throughout the year, from fashion shows to open nights, and we raise a lot of money for local charities, but this is one of the most substantial amounts we have raised and we are delighted.”

The cheque was presented to a representative of the cancer trust from St Bartholomew’s Hospital in London on Monday at the Pheasant pub in Bath Road, Chippenham.

He was also pleased with the amount raised for the air ambulance appeal.

He said: “It is an extremely worthwhile service and I was delighted to raise money for it.”

Melanie Gee from the charity said: “Every year the Lions Club President nominates their own beneficiary charity, and this year Byron wanted the Wiltshire Air Ambulance Appeal to be the recipient of their fundraising activities.

“We are all extremely grateful to Byron and everyone who participated and contributed this year – thank you.”