Town councillors are pursuing an urgent review of speed limits in Devizes in the interests of road safety and conservation of listed buildings.

Residents of Long Street are once again urging the installation of a 20mph limit along their road despite Wiltshire Council insistence that it would be an expensive option that would not meet with universal support.

A meeting of the town council’s planning committee considered letters from Long Street residents, including Robin Lane.

He wrote: “As you will know there was some years ago a plan to put speed bumps and other traffic calming measures in Long Street and the surrounding area.

“This was, in my opinion, an excellent plan and I wrote in support of it as I know did many others, though I do accept that there were some objectors.

“This proposal was voted down by a small majority in what I can only describe as sinister circumstances, much to mine and others’ disappointment.”

But Coun Margaret Taylor reminded councillors that the propoals were dropped because of residents’ objections. She said: “People did not like the idea of the extra street furniture involved. If there were a concerted outcry Wiltshire Council might take notice and not insist on 20mph signs all down the street.”

But the meeting also saw a letter from Wiltshire Council’s transport department, which said: “National guidance requires that 20mph zones are self-enforcing and this invariably requires the installation of physical traffic calming measures such as humps and road narrowings.

“Such measures are not cheap, nor are they universally popular and consequently the development of such a traffic calming scheme requires comprehensive consultation.”

Coun Ray Parsons said that other areas of the town needed to be looked at for traffic calming, including Hillworth Road and Hartmoor Road. He said: “Children are very vulnerable creatures and we have to look after their welfare. So we need to look at speed limits all over town.”