Two Pewsey Vale School students are planning a reunion of those who attended the school from 1974 leaving in 1979.

Debby Young (nee Lee) and Nicky Wiltshire will be holding the get together on July 4 at the Scout Hall in Goddard Road.

Mrs Young said: “One of our friends held a mini reunion at the Woodbridge Inn about two years ago which two teachers and a handful of former pupils attended.

“We have decided to go ahead and have a full scale reunion.”

The pair have invited former headteacher John Treherne and some of the other teachers of the day. Mrs Young said: “We are hoping to have about 40 or 50 former students turn up.

“It is difficult to reach people to let them know about it because we have all lost contact but we are hoping that through the Gazette we can get in touch with a lot of our old school friends.”

Mrs Young can be contacted on 07500 318053 and Nicky Wiltshire on 07789 317630.