With reference to the letter in last week’s paper from Roger Harvey.

It would be interesting to know why a resident of Ashton Keynes is taking such an interest in affordable housing provision in Calne; it seems an unusual hobby.

However, Mr Harvey requests a straight answer and I will attempt to give him one.

The people of Calne are very aware of our responsibilities regarding the provision of affordable housing in our town.

The latest housing needs survey produced for the north of Wiltshire shows that Calne should provide 17 per cent of the affordable housing need; we are currently providing 17.7 per cent and new units are under construction right now. Chippenham, on the other hand should be providing 40 per cent of the need for affordable housing and is currently providing only 17.1 per cent.

These statistics were provided recently by the former North Wiltshire District Council and are on record. We can only hope that the people of Chippenham will undertake to fulfil their responsibilities in this important area as soon as possible.

I suggest that the evidence refutes Mr Harvey’s assumption that that there is some social housing phobia in Calne.

AK Hill, Councillor, Calne Marden Ward.