It was good to note the turnout for last week’s local unitary council elections.

I was delighted to get elected and now welcome the opportunity to represent the residents of my division Cepen Park and Derriads, as well as all the residents of Chippenham.

Peter Hutton, Wiltshire Councillor Cepen Park and Derriads.

I wish to thank all Devizes North Division voters who supported me in the recent elections for the new Wiltshire Council, and to assure you all that I continue to act on your behalf as Devizes town councillor for Devizes North ward for the next four years.

Paula M Winchcombe, Devizes.

Last Thursday, many hundreds of Devizes residents successfully supported the Devizes Guardians candidates for the new, unitary council and have returned three councillors.

In thanking those who voted for us and the many who helped us on the way, we would also pay tribute to our defeated former colleagues – Paula Winchcombe, Peter Evans and Ray Parsons – who have, between them, many years service as district councillors.

Jane Burton, Nigel Carter and Jeff Ody, Devizes Guardians.

Thank you to all those electors that voted for me on June 4.

It was a clear demonstration of going above and beyond party politics.

Voting for the person who lives and works in your rural division.

It has been a real privilege and pleasure to represent all of you over the past years.

My thanks also to the parishes who have conducted themselves with professionalism and passion.

These parish councilors really are the unsung heroes in all of our communities.

Nancy Bryant, Mile Elm Farm, Calne.

I would like the large number of residents of the Chippenham Monkton ward who turned out to vote on June 4.

We had a 55 per cent turnout, which suggests that the stories about voters being turned off politics are somewhat exaggerated.

I would of course also like to thank all those who supported me, while taking this chance to say that I am of course committed now to work for the ward as a whole, and for all its residents.

Chris Caswill, Wiltshire Councillor, Chippenham Monkton Division.

May I take this opportunity to thank all those who supported me in the Devizes East county unitary elections last week.

Although unsuccessful in the election, I will continue to support and champion the issues of the ward through my role as your representative on the Devizes Town Council.

Peter Evans, Nursteed Road, Devizes.