In response to the letter in the Gazette (June 4) about the decline in the ducklings this year in the River Kennet in Marlborough, I believe there may be a predicator along the river that is killing ducks.

My house backs onto the water meadow and the garden goes to the stream that runs around the meadow.

Last year during the Spring when the ducks were nesting I removed 14 dead female ducks (three quarters eaten) from the garden over several weeks, some were from their nest leaving eggs behind.

This year, so far, there has only been one dead duck left in the garden.

After contacting the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust last year they suggested that the most likely cause for the ducks being killed and eaten is mink and shortly after this I noticed what appeared to be two dead mink or at least a member of the weasel family on the bank of the stream.

This may explain the decline in ducklings this years.

Pete Mundy, Marlborough.