A sandwich shop in Corsham was targeted in a burglary last night, less than two weeks before it was due to close after 12 years in business.

Carrington and Keane in the High Street is due to close on June 18 due to a drop in sales and rise in rent.

The raid left store manager Amanda Smith baffled about why the sandwich shop was targeted.

She said: “I would have thought people would want to rob a newsagents or bank not a sandwich shop but it just so happens we were burgled on the night when we have the most money in the building, including everyone’s wage.

"More than £600 was taken from the back of the store which I was going to put in the bank on Friday, it included three employees’ wages.”

She said the money will be replaced by an insurance claim but is hoping that anybody who may have been in the area around midnight might have seen something.

“Several people have said they heard the burglar alarm go off at around midnight and saw two lads running away from the shop. Hopefully somebody will have seen what happened.”

Anyone with information can call Corsham police on 0845 408 7000.