Maria Hilliar who had lived with husband Peter in Kingsbury Street in Marlborough since their wedding 35 years ago has died in the Prospect Hospice just four months after doctors told her she had cancer of the lung.

Many people will recall Mrs Hilliar, 70, working with her close friend Rose Edwards in the offices of the former building firm Burts the Builders in London Road where they also ran the town’s gas offices and showroom.

She is survived by her husband, one brother, Peter, and by her only sister June Plank whose husband, Mick, died just 15 months ago.

One of her nephews Wayne Plank is flying home from Dubai where he lives and works for her funeral.

She was born in Savernake Hospital and lived her entire life in Marlborough being brought up in Rawlingswell Lane and then Laineys Close until she married at St Mary’s Church in 1974.

Mrs Hilliar was a home loving person although she and her husband enjoyed many holidays with Mrs Edwards and her late husband, Happy (Philip).

More recently Mr and Mrs Hilliar enjoyed short break holidays at the coast.

Her husband said: “She loved anything to do with CSI (crime scene investigation) on TV and on her many videos and DVDs.”

Mrs Hilliar had been looked after by the Prospect at Home nursing team before she was admitted to the Prospect Hospice at Wroughton two weeks before her death in the early hours of Saturday.

Her husband said: “Marie bore the pain quite bravely and never ever complained or said she was in any pain although clearly she was.”

The funeral is on Monday at Kingsdown crematorium at Swindon, 2pm, and the coffin will arrive in the chapel to one of Mrs Hilliar’s favourite songs, Close to You sung by The Carpenters.

In lieu of flowers her family has asked for donations for the Prospect Hospice care of funeral director Dianne Mackinder, Wagon yard, London Road, Marlborough.