Gran Wendy Waite is delighted her later-in-life baby has scooped the top spot in the Gazette’s Baby of the Year competition.

Mrs Waite, 38, of Brickley Lane, Devizes, who has three older children, could hardly believe that baby Kyle not only took the prize for the 0 to nine month category but was also the overall winner.

She said: “We are so excited. He is a first baby for myself and my husband Nicholas and so it is fantastic he has won.”

Mrs Waite worked for many years at Southbroom Junior School as a midday supervisor and before that as a dinner lady at Devizes School.

Her husband is a dustman in the town so she believes that knowing lots of people in the town helped them win votes from Gazette readers.

Her elder daughter Samantha, 20, entered her own baby Jayden in the contest as well.

Winner of the ten to 18 month category Louis Bailey also comes from a family well known in Devizes.

Marie Bailey, 32, works as an assistant at Bright Sparks nursery in Potterne and her husband Christopher, 37, is a Devizes postman.

Mr Bailey of Spitalcroft Road, Devizes, said: “I did mention it to a few people on my rounds so possibly they did vote for Louis.”

The winner of the 19 to 36 month category is Bailey Wicks, who lives with his mum Charissa, 30, and dad Andrew 32, a partner in a flagstone business in Parklands, Malmesbury.

He is the family’s middle child and is flanked by sisters Maddie, five and Ruby, nine months.

His mum said: “We both have family living locally and there are a lot of relatives on my husband’s side so I expect they all voted for Bailey.

“We are really pleased that he has won.”

The winners of the competitor will receive trophies and portraits from Fraser Portraits at a ceremony organised by the Gazette.

More than 300 babies were entered into the competition.