Teacher Diane Riley, who retires in July after almost 40 years in the profession, has received a lifetime achievement award.

Mrs Riley, 57, a teacher at St Mary’s School in Chippenham for 24 years, won The Ted Wragg Award for Lifetime Achievement at the West of England’s 2009 Teaching Awards at the weekend.

Speaking to a 250 strong audience, including pupils, parents and colleagues at the ceremony in the Bath Assembly Rooms, Mrs Riley said she was delighted to be recognised.

“When I qualified as a teacher in 1973, you didn’t have to have a degree, so I never had a graduation ceremony. I am using today as my graduation ceremony,” she said.

“It has been a joy and privilege to work at St Mary’s School and to be rewarded for a job you love doing is an additional bonus.”

Mrs Riley’s husband, the school headteacher Steve Riley, praised the contributions she has made to St Mary’s over the years.

He said: “This is a huge achievement and as headteacher I feel very proud. She was nominated by the vice chair of governors supported by the governing body and my senior management team because of the length of time she has been here and everything she has contributed to the school especially in music and sport, as well as the excellent attainment she has achieved in her classes.

“She herself, is a very humble person and when she was informed that she was one of the finalists she was very overwhelmed and tearful.”

As well as teaching, Mrs Riley also coaches the hockey, football, cricket, tag rugby and athletics teams.

Mr Riley added: “She is the longest serving member of staff here and, although she is now part time, she still comes in to do sports with the children on her days off.”