Dancer Daisy Garrett has been chosen to perform at the opening ceremony of the Special Olympics next month with a professional contemporary arts troupe.

Miss Garrett, 21, who has Downs Syndrome, got her big break a few weeks ago when she successfully auditioned to join the Anjali Dance Company in Oxford, whose members all have learning disabilities.

For the last three weeks Miss Garrett, who hopes to make a career in dance, has been living with the company three days a week practising hard for the Special Olympics, which are the third arm of the Olympic movement providing sporting competition to people with learning disabilities.

Her mum Catherine, of Lenton Close, Chippenham, said: “She has always danced and there are not many dance companies for people with learning difficulties so this is really good for her.

“The whole family was really pleased when Daisy got a place there – she works very hard and she deserved it.”

Miss Garrett spent two years dancing with That’s Entertainment in Chipp-enham, and took part in performances at her former school, Hardenhuish.

“She enjoys getting up on stage and she is good at it,” Mrs Garrett said. “Getting into a professional company is something she has wanted for a long time and we are proud of her.”

Miss Garrett now practices from 9am to 6pm three days a week with Anjali in preparation for the Olympics, that take place in Leicester between July 25 and 31. Last night she was due to perform at the company’s base at The Mill Theatre in Banbury.

The family are eagerly looking forward to the Olympics. “We already have our tickets and will be going to watch the opening,” said Mrs Garrett.