Gardening club show secretary Tracey Barnett is appealing to former members to help compile a history of the Marlborough Gardening Association.

Mrs Barnett, of Barrow Close, Marlborough, has been involved in the association since its early days because her father Tony Bryant was one of its founders.

Mrs Barnett is compiling an archive of the association’s activities and events and said: “If anyone has an information, photos, copies of of show schedules or anecdotes that we could look at we would be happy to copy it so the owners can keep the originals.”

The association held its first meeting at the library in November 1975 and has held monthly meetings ever since.

Mrs Barnett said there had been a gardening club in the town many years ago evidenced by one or two of its original trophies that have been handed to the modern club to use.

“I would really like to make a proper portfolio of the association’s history and help it updated in future years,” said Mrs Barnett, who has taken over as its show secretary from Jan Lillywhite who ran it for nine years.

Anyone with information can contact Mrs Barnett on (01672) 516355 or