Lessons at Charter School in Chippenham are moving outdoors this term as new headteacher Sarah Flack puts her mark on learning.

Mrs Flack, who has been at the school for three and a half years, became head in February, and is hoping to encourage outdoor learning throughout all year groups.

The school already has two outdoor classrooms and a pond area. Mrs Flack said: “I want to ensure every child achieves the best of their ability and I want to push forward outdoor learning and the outdoor classroom environment.

“My main reason for this is because experimental learning is such a key part of development and the more that we can do that is hands on is going to ensure better progress and better links.”

She also wants parents to be involved in school life. “We firmly believe in a genuine partnership between home and school – we all want the best for our children and it is only when this partnership is thriving that children flourish in our care. We always welcome parents into school,” she said.

Name: Charter Primary

Address: Wood Lane, Chippenham

Phone No: (o1249) 447223

Headteacher: Sarah Flack

Chairman of governors: Alan Paddock

Founded: 1989

No of pupils: 236