Police in Chippenham masterminded another drugs raid in a quiet area of the town yesterday morning.

Six police officers and three support staff raided the privately owned, three bedroom, semi-detached home in Monkton Park at 8.45am on Wednesday, under the Misuse of Drugs Act.

They found cannabis plants initially estimated to have a street value of £3,000 and a vast amount of paraphernalia.

A 43 year old man was arrested at the scene and is currently assisting police with their inquiries.

PC Rachel Webb, community beat manager for north east Chippenham, said: “We bolt-cropped a padlock on the gate and gained entry via the back door of the house to insure evidence was not being concealed or disposed of.

“Once inside, we found cannabis growing in about a dozen garden pots in the back bedroom upstairs and in the front bedroom we found what is called the mother plant. This is where we believe they were taking the cuttings from and drying out the drugs.

“Drugs were also drying out by radiators in the kitchen area downstairs ready to be used.”

A second man was also in the property at the time, although has not been arrested at this stage.

Sergeant Allan George said: “This was a substantial quantity of drugs for an essentially quiet area of the town which illustrates that drug use and abuse can take place anywhere.

“We do think that this cannabis was destined for the local market, however, we do not have a big drug problem in Chippenham. Whilst the cultivation of drug use and abuse does take place it is still, thankfully, relatively rare that such a quantity is recorded.” Police were satisfied with the success of the morning raid, which is one of a number of successful warrants executed in the area as part of National Tackling Drugs Week.

PC Webb said: “This is an excellent example of how communities can work with the police to help tackle crime. I have a simple message to drug users and suppliers: We are continually updating our intelligence and seeking innovative ways to develop that intelligence. You can expect to be arrested.”

Sergeant George added: “Timing is always an issue in the execution of warrants and on this occasion we are pleased that we have been able to enter the premises at the appropriate time and secure evidence as a result, without it having been removed, destroyed or disposed of.”

Anyone with any information should contact police on 0845 408 7000 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.