Villagers in Sherston celebrated D-Day anniversary with a concert and wartime supper of spam fritters and cabbage.

The parish council funded event included a performance by the Avon Fire and Rescue Service Band which played music from the 1940s and was finished off with a meal at the Rattlebone Inn consisting of spam fritters, corn beef hash, cabbage and orange jelly.

Cill Liddington, part of the organising team, was surprised at such a good turn out.

She said: “I got down to the church of the Holy Cross hoping a few people would have turned up and there was 180 people there.

“Quite a few had come early to make sure they got a seat.

“It was a beautiful evening, the sun was streaming in through the windows and the music was wonderful.

“It was a complete success.”

She added that the retro food served at the Rattlebone also went down a storm.

She said: “Landlord Jason Read had a cookbook from the 1940s and served up a wartime supper. Everyone said what a great event it was.”

Also in attendance was American Keith Bollman, the nephew of Tom Jensen who was stationed in Sherston before the D-Day invasion.

Mrs Liddington said: “Keith happened to be over in London last week so came up and made a recording of the concert and took some photos for his uncle.”

The event raised £450 for the Poppy Appeal.