Widow Maggie Ball has helped raise money for the hospice that looked after her terminally ill husband.

Mrs Ball featured as a model at a charity fashion show in Oaksey, organised by her friend Angela Roberts, which raised £850.

Mrs Ball said she was happy to support Swindon’s Propect Hospice, which looked after her husband Graham before he died of cancer in December.

She said: “The hospice is fantastic. Without their help I’m not sure I could have coped.”

Mrs Roberts said this was the most successful fashion show she had run.

She said: “This was my third but it’s certainly been the biggest.

“We raised £850 and we’re splitting the proceeds between Prospect and Breakthrough Breast Cancer.”

The catwalk show was held in Oaksey Village Hall and had eight models showing off clothes and accessories from Mrs Roberts’ Glam Originals range and clothing from Wardrobe in Cirencester.