Young mum Nicola Reid has been praised by firefighters after she and her two children escaped from their burning home.

Miss Reid, 26, of Ashe Crescent in Chippenham called 999 after she noticed black smoke coming from her front room at 10pm on Sunday.

Fire crews from Chippenham, Corsham and a support unit from Devizes attended the fire, which is thought to have been started by candles in the living room.

Chippenham Crew Manager Russell Lewns commended Miss Reid on her quick thinking in getting herself and her children out of the house straightwaway.

He said: “We saw a lot of thick black smoke coming from the home and, as we turned into Ashe Crescent, there were big flames coming out of the front room – all the windows downstairs had been smashed in.”

“We didn’t know if there was anybody in the house so we put out our full rescue procedure.

“The young children had been playing in their bedrooms upstairs at the time the fire broke out. The mother said she heard a smash which we think was the television.

“Then she saw the black smoke coming from underneath the door and she immediately grabbed the children, left the house and called 999 which was completely the right thing to do.”

The family were taken in by the house opposite.

Mr Lewns said it would probably be two months before the family can return because the living room was badly damaged by fire and there was heavy smoke in the rest of the house.

A neighbour, who wished to remain anonymous, said: “The lady and her two children had a lucky escape and got out without any injuries, so it all had a happy ending.”