Rector Guy Oswald is retiring after turning 70 but says he’s not completely hanging up his dog collar.

For 26 years Mr Oswald, 70, has been the rector for six parishes in North Wiltshire; Great Somer-ford, Little Somerford, Seagry, Rodbourne, Startley and Corston Now he has reached the mandatory retirement age he is standing down.

Mr Oswald said: “I retired on my 70th birthday, June 4. I lasted as long as I could. I wasn’t ready to retire and I’m glad I have been fit enough to carry on as long as I have.

“But it’s not a case of me hanging up the dog collar, I will be back to take services from time to time.

“Being responsible for five parishes has been quite a challenge but it’s been a positive experience.

“All in all it has been a very rewarding 26 years.”

Mr Oswald took over the Somerfords and Seagry parishes in December 1982 and 13 months later added Corston, Rodbourne and Startley.

Before that he was a vicar for the north Chippenham team which served St Paul’s in Chippenham as well as the villages of Langley Burrell and Kington St Michael.

Mr Oswald held his last holy communion service on May 31 at Little Somerford.

There was standing room only as around 200 people squeezed into the church to attend the Whit Sunday morning service.

Parishioner Jill Shearer thought it was a fitting farewell. She said: “The service was a great tribute to Guy, who’s been rector for more than 26 years, visiting the sick, supporting the young and old alike and presiding over baptisms, weddings and funerals in the villages in some cases for four generations of the same family.

“Guy and his wife Jane were presented with a cheque for over £4,600, raised by the parishioners as a token of the esteem in which they are held here.”

The couple are moving out of their vicarage home in Great Somerford to Draycot Cerne.

The six parishes are to be divided up among three pastors.