Bromham Carnival organisers were pleased with the turnout of youngsters wishing to become royalty in this year’s event.

The royalty were chosen on Friday. This year’s carnival queen is 17-year-old Megan Bull and her attendant is Jessica Watts, 16. The butterfly princess is Ellie Fatherley, 12, and her attendant is Chloe Bridges, 11.

The princess is Maisie Mornement, seven, and Ellie Kember, ten, is her attendant.

The prince is Brandon Smith, nine, and his attendant is Ollie Williams, seven.

There are two new categories this year for younger children. Abi Read, four, is fairy princess, while the young prince is Felix Mornement, five.

The carnival procession is on Saturday June 20 at 2pm.

For residents of Angell House sheltered housing accommodation the carnival organisers have organised the Seend Shuttle mini bus to take them to see the procession.

The Bromham Carnival queen Megan Bull is currently working in Busy Kids Pre-school in Bromham. Her aim is to have a career working with disabled people.