An exhibition is taking place in Marlborough highlighting the work of Eglantyne Jebb, the founder of the Save the Children charity who taught in the town for more than two years in the late 19th century.

The exhibition organised by the Marlborough and Pewsey branch of Save the Children also marks the 90th anniversary of the charity. It is open in St Peter’s Church – where Miss Jebb would have worshipped with her pupils – until Saturday, from 10am to 5pm.

The exhibition celebrates the life of Miss Jebb who taught in St Peter’s Boys School in what is now the library, in the High Street.

It includes a gallery of work by children from the modern day St Peter’s School as well as St Francis School, Pewsey, including poetry and stories about children’s rights as laid down by Miss Jebb.

Tomorrow at 4pm Clare Mulley, author of the recently biography of Miss Jebb, will be giving a talk about the life and times of the philanthropist and signing copies of her book.