Frustrated residents of Market Lavington say they have to dodge numerous pot holes in their roads and have called on Wiltshire Council to carry out resurfacing.

There are several pot holes in Fiddington Clay and Stirling Road plus numerous patches where holes have been filled.

Diane Delmar, a mother of four who has lived in Fiddington Clay for 11 years, said: “It’s really quite bad. The road is full of pot holes and you have to drive around them. The council comes out and patches up a hole now and again but new holes appear. It’s being going on for months and this is the worst I have known it.”

Stephen Sadd, 41, who has lived in Stirling Road for 16 years, said: “The pot holes here are terrible. They are patched here and there but they break up again. Just before Christmas there were particularly big pot holes and that would have broken the wheels of a car.”

Victor Keefe, 67, a retired AA patrol man of Stirling Road, complained to Wiltshire Council after the windscreen of his Hyundai Sante Fe car was smashed by a stone and had to be replaced. This was at the junction of Fiddington Clay and Stirling Road.

He said: “I hit stones on the road that were the debris from pot holes which had been filled in. It’s dangerous and if the stones had hit somebody they could have been injured.”

Mr Keefe said five days day after his windscreen was damaged a Wiltshire Council workman swept away stones off the road.

A letter he received from Wiltshire Council’s insurance claims handler Kelly Dawson said the road had been inspected the day before his windscreen was damaged on May 14 and the alleged defect was not identified and said the council was not negligent.

A Wiltshire Council spokesman said it recognised that Fiddington Clay and Stirling Road needed resurfacing. He said: “This stretch of road is due to be resurfaced this summer subject to budget provision.”

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