Corhsam householders are welcoming proposals for parking restrictions to be put on some of the most congested roads in the town.

Wiltshire Council has begun a public consultation and has been working with Corsham Town Council to identify the most congested roads in Corsham and plans to impose and amend parking restrictions on 15 roads in the town to ease the problems.

Corsham town clerk David Martin said: “We have been working with Wiltshire Council as residents have been voicing their concerns about the roads for a while now.

“Wiltshire Council has now issued a public consultation period which ends on June 29 so that people can put forward their views in writing to the unitary authority.”

The roads that could be affected include Station Road, Lacock Road and Pound Pill.

Driver Doug Gray, 80, of Highlands Close welcomes parking restrictions.

He said: “It will cause a lot less problems on the narrow and congested roads.

“However people who live on the roads will be affected as they will not be able to park their car in front of their homes.”

Corsham firefighters have also welcomed the proposals as they will be able to save lives without worrying about being delayed by parked cars or traffic.

Fire watch manager Mark Unwin said: “A clear road can mean the difference between life and death when we are trying to attend a fire.”

Other roads that could be affected are Arnolds Mead, Bences Lane, Grove Road, Ludmead Road, Lypiatt Road, Meriton Avenue, Newlands Road, Pound Mead, the Corsham Primary School access road on Pound Pill, Stokes Road, Williams Grove and roads leading to Methuen Park.

A spokesperson for Wiltshire Council said: “Wiltshire Council is consulting on the parking restrictions because it is important that interested parties can put their views forward. The plans of the scheme will be advertised until June 29 and can be viewed at Corsham Town Hall.”

Views can be expressed to George Batten, Corporate Director for Transport, Environment and Leisure, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge BA14 8JD or e-mail