Students at Wootton Bassett School will bid farewell to some of their longest serving teachers when they pack up their books for the summer in July.

Assistant headteacher Steve Blakelock is taking semi-retirement after 23 years at the school and PE teacher and head of transition Graham Short is retiring after 26 years.

Kevin Eames, former head of English, is also retiring after 27 years and head of languages Isobel Moore is leaving after more than 30 years of service.

Mr Blakelock, 56, said he will miss staff and students, although he will be returning in September to teach A-Level students two days a week.

He said: “The staff room at the school is quite a special place and it always has been. I really enjoy the banter and I will miss it when I’m not here. The staff all come together during lunch times and everyone mingles. It’s such a friendly school.

“I enjoy teaching sixth form the most – you get that spark now and again because the children have chosen the subjects they are interested in and it’s great to see.”

Mr Eames, 60, agreed: “I’ll definitely miss the staff and the fun – we have lots of laughs together. But I will miss the light bulb moments when the children understand what you are teaching them and you can see them making progress. I won’t miss the amount of admin work we have to do now though.”

The school has undergone some dramatic changes since the teachers began their careers, including the replacement building in 2002. Mr Eames said the modern facilities are a far cry from what he was introduced to when he started in 1980.

He said: “When I first came here I was teaching in a mobile classroom and when it rained water came through the light fittings. The buildings we have now are so much better and the technology is brilliant.”

Mr Short, 57, added: “When we moved in to the new buildings it was almost like starting all over again. The outdoor facilities we have for PE have improved so much – I think the children still enjoy the subject just as much as they ever have and I’ve loved every bit of my time here, just to see the children achieving and doing so well, I have found it so rewarding.

“Retirement will take some getting used to but I am going to fill my time with lots of sport, gardening and seeing my family.”