Children at Charter School in Chippenham showcased some of their finest art skills as part of the school’s Creative Arts Week on Friday.

The children paraded their work around the playground after spending the week creating art based on the book Where The Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak.

Artist Steve Porter visited the school and carried out workshops with the youngsters to create a giant painting of a scene from the book.

Headteacher Sarah Flack was impressed by the finished product.

She said: “It looks absolutely brilliant.

“All the children have taken part, right through from reception to year six. As you go up the school the painting gets a lot more detailed, but it has been brilliant and the children have thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

“The painting will be displayed in our school hall now it has been finished.”

She added: “The children absolutely loved the book, and this week they have told it in many different ways, including art, dance and music.”

Earlier this year, children from the Charter Rose Centre, which caters for children with autism, created a film based on the same book.

Mrs Flack said: “They used it as a stimulus so when we did the book in Creative Arts Week, they would have prior knowledge and understanding of what was being covered.”

Chippenham Mayor Sylvia Gibson also attended the school on Friday to unveil the new entrance gates and school sign.

See this week's paper for a focus on Charter Primary School