The 14 regulars of the Saladin pub in Little Somerford have successfully completed their 1200 mile motorbike ride to St Tropez.

But despite each of the beat up bikes, bought for under £250, reaching their destination, the group’s support vehicle suffered a blown turbo in Mirabeau.

Team leader David Palmer-Jeffrey said they didn’t expect their Nissan Navarro to break down.

He said: “We thought the bikes would be in danger of breaking which was why we had the support car.

“In the end the bikes were fine but the car was the one that had a problem.

“The bikes did brilliantly, even the little Suzuki ‘twist and go’ scooter survived all the off road stuff and got up and down the steepest hills.

“My £175 Chinese bike is sounding a bit rattly and the battery has just about packed up but it made it.

“They could probably all make it back again if we were mad enough to try it.”

Apart from the broken arm of Rob Beverley who was hospitalised after coming off his bike the rest of the team suffered only sore bottoms.

Mr Palmer-Jeffrey said: “Martin Langley had a Jeremy Clarkson moment when he threw his bike on the floor and said he could not sit on it anymore.

“We are all sick and tired of these bike seats.”

The riders will be enjoying a more comfortable return journey as they fly into Bristol on Saturday, including Mr Beverley, who has had a plate inserted into his arm.

The group are planning a final get together at the Saladin in the coming days to celebrate reaching £5490 pounds for cancer charity Clic Sargent.

To donate money and read the team’s blog visit