Plans are being developed for the future of some of the major buildings in a Wiltshire town.

A scheme is underway to reduce the carbon footprint of some of the most significant buildings operated by Devizes Town Council.

These sites include the Grade II listed town hall and Corn Exchange after a report recommended upgrades to improve the energy efficiency of the buildings.

The report found the energy performance of the Corn Exchange was “remarkably good” although the town hall performed worse.

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A report said: “In order to control future energy usage and reduce the carbon footprint for some of the council’s major buildings, a project to assess what improvements could be made to the town hall and Corn Exchange has been started.

“The Corn Exchange received a B rating score of 37 which is remarkably good… however, the town hall only received an E rating score of 125.”

The recommendations for changes to the Corn Exchange include a building mounted wind turbine, insulation improvements, and solar control measures like reflective coating.

Some of these measures are also recommended for the town hall alongside solar panels and solar water heaters.

Town councillors must decide whether to adopt this report as the basis of a project plan for the buildings at a meeting on Tuesday, November 5.