THE Duchess of Edinburgh welcomed soldiers home in at event on Salisbury Plain.

Soldiers from 5th Battalion, The Rifles, took part in a homecoming event on Friday, October 4 following their recent deployment to Estonia, surrounded by family, friends and special guests.

The Royal Colonel of Five Rifles inspected the parade on Salisbury Plain, presented medals and spoke with personnel.

The Duchess of Edinburgh attended the homecoming event as Colonel in Chief The Duchess of Edinburgh attended the homecoming event as Colonel in Chief (Image: Aaron Chown) Her Majesty said: “It’s equally important to recognise those members of the Battalion that have remained in Bulford, not least your wonderful families who, as ever, have kept the home fires burning, but also those Riflemen who have stayed behind to train Ukrainian soldiers, and support the resettling of Afghan refugees.

"As your very proud Colonel in Chief, thank you for everything you do to keep this nation and our allies safe."

Five Rifles recently returned to their headquarters on Salisbury Plain following a 6-month operational deployment to the Baltic State on Operation CABRIT (14) in support of NATO’s Enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) as the lead Battlegroup working alongside Estonian, French, Latvian, Canadian, Lithuanian, Spanish and Finnish Forces.

Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Edinburgh said: “Back in 2017 I felt very fortunate to be able to visit my Riflemen during the first deployment when the Estonian people were palpably grateful and relieved to have our support alongside other NATO forces.

30 junior non-commissioned officers passed-off in front of HRH Duchess of Cambridge30 junior non-commissioned officers passed-off in front of HRH Duchess of Cambridge (Image: Aaron Chown)

"The second time I visited Estonia just a few years later with my Husband’s 2nd RIFLES taking the lead, the atmosphere was entirely different. Fear had been replaced with confidence along with a sense of security, and by then with operations embedded, their eyes had lifted to the future.”

“Now the horizon is once again clouded, with uncertainty dominating everything. However, I feel sure that your presence has enabled the Estonian people to remain positive and resolute, and I commend you all for your efforts.”

In addition to the homecoming event, it was a proud day for the families of over 30 junior non-commissioned officers who were also on the parade. They were able to see them pass-off in front of Her Royal Highness and the Rifles Corps Commandant following the completion of a seven-week Cadre (course or programme).

They now promote from the rank of Private to Lance Corporal and step on to the first rung of the Command ladder.