Residents have called for the introduction of more 20mph zones across a Wiltshire town despite a mixed reaction from drivers.

In September, 20mph speed limits were implemented on dozens of residential roads in Chippenham, including Hill Rise and the routes linking it to Langley Road and Malmesbury Road.

This has led some Gazette and Herald readers and residents in Chippenham to call for 20mph speed limits in other parts of the town.

Some residents welcomed the changes when they were announced and have requested effective enforcement.

Donald Graham said: “Great stuff. Residents making progress against anti-social drivers.”

Lubin Lukes added: “Please roll this out further.”

READ MORE: 20mph speed limits enforced on dozens of Chippenham roads

20mph speed limit areas in Chippenham20mph speed limit areas in Chippenham (Image: Newsquest) Cllr Matthew Short said the new limits would need to be monitored to judge their effectiveness, but was hopeful they would have an impact.

He said: “If it reduces the average speed and makes the roads feel safer perhaps more children will walk or cycle to school.

“That in itself will make the roads less congested for those that have to drive or take the bus.”

Multiple members of the town council, which can put forward road safety requests to the Local Highways and Footways Improvement Group, have previously shown support for 20mph speed limits in other parts of Chippenham.

In June, Cllr Ross Henning said: “I want to see the reaction that builds over a large residential area.

“I would like to see, somewhere in the future, other large residential areas of Chippenham covered by 20mph, subject to consultation.”

At the time, Cllr Kathryn MacDermid added: “I spoke to residents about the 20mph speed limit and listened to the concerns of the safety of people crossing the road.

“It would be great to see more of this happening in other areas in Chippenham in the near future.”

20mph speed limit areas in Chippenham20mph speed limit areas in Chippenham (Image: Newsquest) But other drivers have voiced their frustration at the 20mph speed limits, arguing that without enforcement they are a “waste of money.”

John Edwards said: “The majority of drivers ignore it so don't expect much change.

“Now they are going to reduce the speed on other roads here and it will be another waste of time, effort and money.”

Wiltshire Council insists 20mph speed limits have “well know” safety benefits.

Council leader Cllr Richard Clewer said: “With new 20mph signage now in place at Hill Rise and Barrow Green in Chippenham, the revised speed limit is now enforceable.

“Whilst there are always differing views about speed limits, the benefits of a 20mph zone are well known, with reductions in collisions and injuries, and environmental improvements.”