Police have revealed all the UFO sightings in Wiltshire over the last 10 years for the first time.

Following a freedom of information request, Wiltshire Police published all the reports they have received mentioning UFOs, UAP (unidentified aerial phenomena), aliens and more.

The results are both bizarre and intriguing, telling of mysterious and largely unreported experiences of the unknown.

As well as your common and garden UFO sightings there are alleged physical interactions with aliens, even inside people’s own homes.

The first log from September 11, 2016, describes a UFO in the sky and an alien in someone’s living room in Swindon.

Further information on why an alien would visit a living room in Swindon is not known, as the logs provided in the FOI are brief.

Down in Salisbury, a woman reported she was abducted by aliens the very same month.

There were a quiet three years with no incidents before another abduction was reported in Chippenham on April 5, 2019 - this time a man, naked.

Six months later a UFO was sighted in Trowbridge.

The last log is from January 17, 2021, again in Chippenham, and is not so much a sighting as a hearing. It simply states: “Ex-friend talking about aliens”.

Wiltshire Police’s slogan is “Keeping Wiltshire safe”, but it is not known what actions the local force take to tackle extraterrestrial tampering.

Wiltshire is not alien to unexplained phenomena as the county is famed for its crop circles which some people think are the result of otherworldly interference.

It had the most crop circles in England in 2023 and Honey Street, near Pewsey, is the home of the Crop Circle Centre.

Until 2009 the British government published an annual report on UFO sightings.

The 2009 report mentions Wiltshire 16 times. Among these were “bright orange lights continuously going up and down on the horizon heading east in the direction of Frome or Wiltshire” in on February 10.

In Bradford-on-Avon, there was “a brightly glowing orange ball” that “seemed to be a controlled craft. 

“It hovered for a couple of minutes then the light seemed to deliberately fade. It was a few hundred feet up and a quarter of a mile from the house.”

In Wroughton, someone saw “Black disc-shaped objects hovering over crop circles near Barbury Castle” that “cast shadows on the ground”.

Meanwhile, in Swindon, there was merely “something peculiar” spotted in April.