The following cases were heard at magistrates courts in Swindon and Salisbury.

CHIPPENHAM: On Tuesday, September 10, Paula Morun, of Ashton Road in Luton, was sentenced for driving without due care and attention in Wiltshire.

The 52-year-old pleaded guilty to driving a Mercedes on the M4 at Chippenham without due care and attention on May 5.

She also admitted driving without a licence or insurance and using a driving licence with the intent to deceive.

Morun was fined £120, ordered to pay £85 in costs and a £48 surcharge, and received six penalty points.

MARLBOROUGH: On Tuesday, September 10, a 17-year-old boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was sentenced for theft from a shop.

The teenager pleaded guilty to taking Nicotine lozenges worth £985.35 from Waitrose in the town centre on August 2.

He was referred to a youth offender panel for four months and ordered to pay a £26 surcharge.

BURBAGE: On Tuesday, September 10, David Charles-Hendy, of Walton Way in Newbury, was sentenced for two counts of causing serious injury while driving without due care and attention.

The 32-year-old pleaded guilty to seriously injuring two people through careless and inconsiderate driving during an incident on the A338 in Burbage on December 28 last year.

He was banned from driving for a year, fined £400, and ordered to pay £85 in costs and a £160 surcharge.

DEVIZES: On Tuesday, September 10, Adam Bramwell, of no fixed abode, was sentenced for theft from a shop.

The 33-year-old pleaded guilty to stealing £119 worth of meat from M&S in the town on May 20.

He was slapped with a community order lasting until September 2025.

MALMESBURY: On Tuesday, September 10, Bruce Urquahart, of Southside Close in Corston, was sentenced for drink driving in Malmesbury.

The 65-year-old pleaded guilty to driving on Oxford Street, on August 24, when the proportion of alcohol in his breath was 58 micrograms per 100 millilitres.

He was banned from driving for a year, to be reduced by three months on completion of a course, fined £250, and ordered to pay £85 in costs and a £100 surcharge.

CHIPPENHAM: On Tuesday, September 10, Rhys Williams, of Hancock Close, was sentenced for drink driving.

The 32-year-old pleaded guilty to driving in the Chippenham Railway Station car park, on August 24, when the proportion of alcohol in his breath was 87 micrograms per 100 millilitres.

He was banned from driving for 16 months, to be reduced by four months on completion of a course, fined £300, and ordered to pay £85 in costs and a £120 surcharge.

SEMINGTON: On Tuesday, September 10, Larry Connors, of Lansdowne in Littleton, was sentenced for driving while disqualified.

The 25-year-old pleaded guilty to driving on the A365 in Melksham while disqualified, and without insurance, on April 10.

He was slapped with a community order, ordered to carry out 270 hours of unpaid work, banned from driving for a year, and ordered to pay £85 in costs.

WESTBURY: On Tuesday, September 10, Scarlet Stubbs, of The Crescent, was sentenced for driving without insurance.

The 37-year-old pleaded guilty to driving without a vehicle without insurance on Westbury Road at Yarnbrook on July 8.

She was fined £80, received six penalty points, and was ordered to pay £85 in costs and a £32 surcharge.

MELKSHAM: On Tuesday, September 10, Sheldon Salmon, of Linnet Lane, was sentenced for possessing a Class A drug.

The 39-year-old pleaded guilty to possessing cocaine in Melksham on August 21.

They were fined £140, ordered to pay a £56 surcharge, and the drugs were forfeited and destroyed.