Residents of Wiltshire have one week left to have their say on the Gypsy and Traveller development plan which lays out how the council will provide 128 permanent pitches by 2038.

The plan has been open for public comment for the last five weeks, and the consultation will close at 5pm on Friday, October 4.

The document sets out Wiltshire Council’s strategic planning policies for meeting the accommodation needs of Gypsies, Travellers and travelling showpeople, which is one of the authority’s statutory obligations.

READ MORE: More than 120 traveller pitches needed across Wiltshire by 2038

An overview of the strategy to meeting the accommodation need.An overview of the strategy to meeting the accommodation need. (Image: Wiltshire Council) According to the document, the council must provide 128 permanent pitches for Gypsies and Travellers and 9 plots for travelling showpeople by 2038.

Full details of the locations are available within the plan document, which can be viewed on the council’s website, where residents can also find out how to take part in the consultation.

Site intensification is planned in locations such as Chippenham, Semington, Southwick, and Devizes.

The new sites are suggested in Bushton, Edigonton, Cleverton, Rowde, Upper Seagry and Potterne.

The largest of these sites will be Cleverton, with 10 new pitches, Rowde, also with 10 new pitches, and upper Seagry, with five new pitches.

Cllr Nick Botterill, cabinet member for strategic planning, has said it is “very important” that those with an interest send their feedback.