Designs have been revealed for the transformation of some of the most iconic buildings in a Wiltshire town.

At a public event on Tuesday, September 24, Trevor Osborne Ltd unveiled its plans for the listed building elements of the old Wadworth brewery on the corner of Northgate Street and New Park Street in Devizes.

This follows the brewery’s relocation to the new Folly Road site and the submission of separate plans to build 100 homes on the rest of the site.

The development includes the conversion of a range of listed buildings stretching from the Grade II brewery building on New Park Street to the former White Lion pub.

In total, the scheme will see the creation of 22 homes, including a single four-bed house and multiple apartments, and 9,000sq feet of commercial space.

While it is not decided exactly how this space will be utilised, the developers confirmed Wadworth will retain a microbrewery on the site.

READ MORE: New plans to be revealed for future of historic brewery buildings

Plans for the redevelopment of the Wadworth brewery buildingsPlans for the redevelopment of the Wadworth brewery buildings (Image: Trevor Osbourne Ltd) Trevor Osbourne Ltd director Robert Moore told this paper he is keen for the project to breathe new life into the old brewery site by creating a range of retail, hospitality, and leisure activities.

He said: “Nobody has known the plans for the heritage building and residents have been concerned, we think we’ve created a really nice plan for Devizes.

“It’s bringing a viable use to one of the town’s most important buildings but also creating a vibrant space for the public.

“We’re keen to see the ground floor used for commercial and retail spaces that will draw people in and become an attractive addition to the centre of Devizes.

“My number one hope is that we will see independent cafes and restaurants filled by local entrepreneurs.”

This space will mostly be found on the ground floor of the brewery yard.

The plans were well received by multiple residents in attendance at the event, who were pleased the buildings won’t be left empty.

SEE ALSO: Plans submitted for new homes on Wadworth Brewery site in Devizes

Plans for the redevelopment of the Wadworth brewery buildingsPlans for the redevelopment of the Wadworth brewery buildings (Image: Trevor Osbourne Ltd) One member of the public said: “I think it’s a great scheme and what the town needs, with a mixture of commercial and residential.

“This end of Devizes needs something to hold people here and keep businesses viable.”

Town Cllr Judy Rose also attended to quiz the developers and revealed she was “excited” to see the area brought back into use following the brewery’s relocation.

Speaking at the event, she said: “We have been looking at the site concerned for some time so I’m very pleased to see there are moves afoot to turn it into a living place again.”

One area of concern that was raised on multiple occasions was the lack of parking at the site.

Cllr Rose added: “If you get the parking right it will be great but if you don’t… that will be quite significant.”

The Wadworth breweryThe Wadworth brewery (Image: Trevor Osborne Ltd) Mr Moore admitted the situation is not ideal but hopes the limited parking provision on the site will be supplemented by nearby car parks.

“It’s been one of the biggest challenges and ideally we’d have twice as much parking space”, he said.

“We’ve got a space for every residential unit, but we don’t want to lose the public realm idea for a car park.”

The developer hopes to submit a planning application in the coming months.

The firm aims to bring forward the redevelopment of the site alongside the larger housing scheme on the rest of the property and the proposed conversion of the neighbouring Assize Court into a museum.

Trevor Osbourne Ltd suggested these three neighbouring developments would create a “dynamic public realm quarter for the town as a whole.”

A consultation on the scheme remains ongoing and residents have until October 4 to submit their views online.