Drivers have been warned traffic wardens will continue to patrol traffic hotspots in a Wiltshire town.

A row recently erupted on social media when pictures were posted of poorly parked cars blocking Queens Crescent in Chippenham.

The predominantly residential road can often become crowded at peak times, particularly during school pick-up and drop-off when drivers have reported large numbers of vehicles parked on the side of the road.

Following the most recent complaint, Wiltshire Council told this paper that its enforcement officers regularly patrol busy streets in Chippenham.

They warned that anyone breaking Traffic Regulation Orders, like double yellow lines, will be issued with a fine.

Meanwhile, those causing carriageway obstructions where there are no restrictions, including those who park too close to a junction, may face action from the police.

READ MORE: Chippenham parking blasted by Faresaver for causing delays

Queens Crescent in ChippenhamQueens Crescent in Chippenham (Image: Newsquest) Cllr Richard Clewer, the leader of Wiltshire Council, said, “Our Civil Enforcement Officers regularly patrol around Chippenham and issue Penalty Charge Notices where vehicles are found to be parked in contravention of the Traffic Regulation Order. 

“Where there are no Traffic Regulation Orders in place, such as double yellow lines, obstructions should be reported to the police.

“They can issue fixed penalty notices to anyone who is parked within 10 metres of a junction, but this will be at their discretion.

“If there are local communities who wish to have a traffic regulation implemented in their street, requests should be made to the local council for their support in taking a proposal forward.”

Last year Queens Crescent was highlighted as a “notorious” problem area by local bus company Faresaver, which pleaded with drivers to park more considerately.

At the time, director Daniel Pickford said services regularly faced delays due to routes being blocked near schools in the Chippenham area, while the business faced similar problems in other towns.

Queens Crescent in ChippenhamQueens Crescent in Chippenham (Image: Newsquest) He added: “Every day at 3pm the bus on this route has problems negotiating parked cars and it’s unbelievable because they don’t leave enough space for buses let alone emergency services.

“The problem of parking outside of schools during drop-off and pick-up is widespread across the county and across the county.

“Everyone has to deal with it, but you just seem to be beating your head against a brick wall… it’s very frustrating because as an operator we’re dealing with delays on a daily basis.”