Campaigners for and against immigration have organised two ‘peaceful’ demonstrations in Trowbridge on Saturday, September 28.

The Unite the Kingdom right-wing anti-immigration group plans to stage a 'peaceful silent protest' outside County Hall at 1pm.

The second rally by campaigners supporting immigration has been organised in Trowbridge Town Park, meeting near the duck pond at 12.30pm.

But there is a danger the two could clash as the Town Park rally organisers are planning to meet Unite the Kingdom demonstrators at County Hall.

In a post on social media, they said: “There is word of planned anti-immigration demonstrations across the UK on Saturday, September 28.

“Trowbridge is on the list and this cannot be allowed to happen unanswered. Right wing groups plan to meet at 1pm outside County Hall.

“Please meet us at 12.30 in Trowbridge Town Park by the duck pond. We will then move as one group to meet any demonstration after it begins.

"It will be clear on the day who you need to listen to.

“Please bring your own signs as long as they are not offensive. We will have a handful to pass around with things like’ Love not Hate’, ‘Refugees Welcome’, ‘One Planet’ on them.

“Please remain positive and respectful at all times. Do not get into any confrontation however you are provoked.”

In contrast, Unite the Kingdom says: “If you are proud of your country and want to see change, please join us and bring your flags and placards.”

The group is anxious to make it clear they don’t want trouble, saying: “This is a silent meeting. We don't want or need any kind of trouble.

“This is a direct message to our government to stop the boats, close our borders and start mass deportation."

The Town Park rally organisers are inviting people to join them on Saturday for a “respectful show of unity and compassion”.

They added: “Bring your friends and family, young and old to show our neighbours wherever they were born that they are welcome and protected in our society.

“As anti-immigration demagogues become emboldened it is increasingly important that people of conscience get out in the streets and stand united.

“Not with violence or disorder. With compassion for refugees and migrants but also those we oppose.

“The people we will be standing against have been convinced that there is an enemy where none exists. We cannot allow ourselves to become that enemy.”